4/12/98: I'm back from military service at the Italian Naval Academy in Livorno;
you can look at some photos of mine here.
I'm beginning to update my pages after more than 3 months:
most of the news will not be so new for most of you ;-)
All the 'old news' will be placed below this entry.
60,000 HITS REACHED!!!
12/28/97: Rage 0.5b supports R-Type!! Also Son Son and some bug fixes.
12/10/97: New Major Havoc emulator by Neil Bradley.
11/20/97: 40,000 HITS REACHED!!!
Another Callus release: 0.23 adds Rockman the Power Battle, Megatwins, 1941,
11/16/97: New perfect Gaplus emulator from JROK!!
11/15/97: New Spaders with support for Space Invaders and clones.
11/14/97: Callus 0.22 adds support for Captain Commando, Area 88,
Rockulator++ 0.98 with Yie Ar Kung Fu and 1942.
11/7/97: Callus 0.21b now supports four different SF2 versions,
11/4/97: MageX 0.8a with lots of fixes.
11/2/97: Updated RAGE 0.4, with Victory Road support.
10/22/97: Callus 0.20 has sound and supports Street Fighter 2!
10/20/97: MAME 0.29 is out!! A really huge update! Lots of new games:
Updated RAGE 0.3, with better 1943.
10/18/97: Updated RAGE 0.2, now with 1943 support.
10/12/97: Cine95, a Star Castle emulator for Windows 95.
10/9/97: New Callus emulator with support for Final Fight and soon Street Fighter II!!!
10/4/97: Mapefer 3 0.8B now runs Diamond Run too.
10/1/97: RAGE 0.1 is out! Gunsmoke, Ikari Warriors and TNK3 supported.
9/30/97: Another release of Mapefer 3.
9/29/97: New Mapefer 3: really fast Ghosts and Goblins emulator.
9/25/97: Salamander emulator is now playable.
9/20/97: New Salamander emulator (preview release) from Johan Kohler.
9/16/97: Rockulator++ 0.97b with some bug fixes.
9/15/97: Juno First 1.18: better colors on Track & Field and speed increase.
9/12/97: Another Rockulator++ release with bug fixes and two more games.
9/10/97: Multi Gauntlet 0.471: minor sound bug-fix.
9/9/97: Multi Gauntlet Emulator 0.47 with better speech.
Finally MAME 0.28 is out!! Lots of new games supported:
9/8/97: Juno First 1.17 supports the second Circus Charlie ROM set with board selection.
9/7/97: 30,000 HITS REACHED!!!
9/5/97: Finally Circus Charlie is emulated!!! Juno First 1.16 supports it!!!
9/4/97: I'm back!! Lots of updates in the last two weeks:
8/20/97: I've been able to update my page even on vacation; lots of updates.
MAME 0.27 adds support for Xevious, Star Wars, Bubble Bobble, Exed Exes,
MageX 0.6 with new Defender, Stargate, Robotron, Joust, Ghosts 'n Goblins,
New E++ object oriented emu with Space Invaders, Phoenix, Centipede
Cinematronics emu 1.1, with mouse support and other fixes and additions.
8/7/97: This will be my last update until the first week of September: I'm leaving for vacation.
8/6/97: Updated versions of Ikari Warriors emu and MAME for Windows.
8/5/97: I've been on holiday for a week. Lots of updates:
7/24/97: Updated Yie Ar Kung Fu emulator (YEM): near perfect colors.
7/21/97: New Yie Ar Kung Fu emulator from Janne Korpela.
7/17/97: MAME 0.261: bugfix release; added KickRaider.
7/16/97: New assembler Asteroids emulator.
7/14/97: I just graduated in Electronics Engineering :-)))))
MAME 0.26!! Perfect Dig Dug, all Mr.Do! games, Mappy, Atari vector games,
7/13/97: EMU 2.3 with lots of fixes and additions.
7/12/97: KEM 1.1 is out! Blue Print and save game support, and lots of additions.
7/11/97: Rock-ulator 0.91 with better Mouse Trap and Venture support.
7/8/97: An unofficial MAME version with Crystal Castles and trackball support appeared.
7/6/97: Final version of DOS Nemesis emu. Full sound support added.
7/5/97: 20,000 HITS REACHED!!!
7/2/97: Now you can look at a random screen shot chosen from 160 arcade games
System 16 0.55 now has fully playable Golden Axe support!
7/1/97: New Pitfall II emulator (not playable yet).
MAME 0.25!! Added Starforce, Tutankham, Anteater, Rescue,
6/30/97: Finally EMU 2.2 is here! Perfect Tempest and Missile Command support!!
6/27/97 M-ulator 1.14! Near perfect Bosconian, playable Dig Dug, preliminary Xevious.
6/26/97: Paul Johnson is still updating Sage!! 1.16 has the best Commando and
6/23/97: Updated JoyEmu 3.3 for emulators without joystick support.
6/20/97: Updated Xevious Emu (demo version), now with Super Xevious support.
6/19/97: Multi Gauntlet Emulator 0.45 with speech support.
6/17/97: Rishgar 0.92 (joystick support and Star!) and Btishger 0.31 (sound fixes).
6/16/97: Lots of updates: TEM 0.02b, Diamond Run 0.22, Ghosts and Goblins 0.32
6/14/97: TEM 0.02 (Tutankham) with some bug fixes.
The awesome KEM 1.0 is out!! You can't miss it. Get it at once!!
6/13/97: MAME 0.24!! New Jr. Pacman (Star), Qbert Qubes, Space Zap,
Click on the title of the game to see a screenshot.-- While I was marching --
[1/7/98]: MAME 0.30!!!!
New supported playable games include:
005, Astro Blaster, Astro Fighter, Break Thru, Bump'n'Jump, Circus, Circus Charlie,
Colony 7, Exerion, Food Fight, Frenzy, Gauntlet I & II, Hyper Sports, Iron Horse,
Major Havoc, Mat Mania, Mikie, Monster Bash, Quantum, Pinball Action, Radar Scope,
Roc'n Rope, Robot Bowl, Rolling Crash, Root Beer Tapper, Sarge, Shaolin's Road,
Space Odissey, Sprint 2, Super Zaxxon, Swimmer, Track and Field, Traverse USA!
Sound is much better in most games. Really lots of other additions and fixes too.
Strange thing it was released the same day I entered the boot camp ;-)-- Older News --
1/7/98: Leaving for military service, this will be my last update for at least 3 months :-(((
I intended to put this message online before leaving... but I had other thoughts on my mind ;-)
MameP (unofficial) has support for Phoenix and Bubble Bobble samples and different joysticks.
Very few emulator releases in the last weeks. Everybody waiting for Christmas? ;-)
King of Dragons, Magic Sword, Knights of the Round, Willow, SF2, Carrier Air Wing US!
King of Dragons and Three Wonders.
New Penix with preliminary Phoenix support.
Updated Asteroids 3.01 with minor fixes.
Carrier Air Wing, Strider and UN Squadron!
New partially playable Choplifter emulator (Chopsuey).
Legendary Wings, Section Z, Cloak & Dagger, Berzerk, Coors Light Bowling,
Gunsmoke, Black Tiger, 1943, Champion Baseball, Silkworm, Sidearms, Pulsar,
Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO, Invinco, Space Attack, Motos,
The Tower of Druaga, New Rally X, Rastan Saga, Super Bobble Bobble,
other bootleg and alternate versions, lots of fixed and updated games.
A total of 258 (+ 33) arcade games is now supported!!!
New Sounds Good emulator for Bally-Midway games (sound only).
MageX 0.7 supports vector games too.
Updated JoyEmu (4.0 with mouse support).
New Rockulator++ 0.97 (prerelease) with new games and bug fixes.
Omega Race, Bank Panic, Time Pilot 84, all MCR games, Rastan,
Pop Flamer, Super Basketball, Espial and other additions.
Incredible new Replay 0.4 with hundreds of games and Bump'n'Jump support.
Juno First now supports Track & Field, Hyper Sports and Roc'n'Rope too.
New Cloak & Dagger emulator.
Updated System 16 emu!! Now with Hang-On, Space Harrier and other new games.
Updated Asteroids emu (final perfect version).
Updated City Connection emu, now with sound support.
Eliminator, Space Fury, Star Trek, Tac-Scan, Zektor, Super Bagman, Warlords,
10 Yard Fight, Bosconian, Dig Dug 2, Pac & Pal, Son Son, Loco-Motion,
Blue Print, Snap Jack, Cosmic Avenger, Eggs and lots of other additions.
MAME supports exactly 200 games now!!
Carnival, Pengo and Ladybug support.
and Spectrum games support.
Juno First emu for Windows (with Tutankham and Crystal Castles support).
New Son Son emulator (SEM 0.11).
Updated Ikari Warriors emu 0.49 with sound and dip switch support.
Hope to find lots of new and updated emulators (and a Circus Charlie emu) when I'm back.
Only update for today: I decided to give a Star to the excellent Chris Pile's Asteroids emu.
3 new emulators from Jrok: Dig Dug 2, Super Pacman and Mappy;
Updated version of Asteroids and new Ikari Warriors emu;
Sega8 emulator, with Pitfall 2 and Wonderboy support;
and finally a beta version of MAME for Windows 0.26a.
Updated Pitfall 2 emulator. Get the new working ROM set.
Crystal Castles, Missile Command, Yie Ar Kung Fu.. and other new games and additions.
Joseba Epalza is back with a new City Connection emulator.
I will not distribute it: it's quite a nice work, but I definitely think we all should wait
for the official releases, or the maintenance of MAME would become impossible soon.
Mirko's work as a coordinator is difficult, let's not make it impossible.
each time you select ScreenShot on the bottom frame.
Mysterious Stones, Naughty Boy, Space Firebird, Crazy Kong (Jeutel version).
Not playable FrontLine, Hunchback, Wild Western. Lots of additions and fixes too.
Ghosts and Goblins up to date, and some fixes.
Rock-ulator 0.90 with Pepper 2, Venture and MouseTrap support.
JoyEmu 3.2 with support for 6-buttons joysticks.
(all with high score saving and some fixes) and Btishger 0.3 (with joystick support).
Thierry Lescot is here again with System 16 0.54.
Near perfect support for Demolition Derby, Discs of Tron, Domino Man, Gyruss,
Journey, Kickman, Pooyan, Rampage, Satan's Hollow, Solar Fox, Tapper, Timber,
Time Pilot, Tron, Two Tigers, Wacko. 9 Stars of Excellence!!!
Joystick support is missing though. You should get JoyEmu.
Turpin, Williams games; better Lost Tomb, Seicross and Kung Fu Master.
New Tutankham emulator and updated Black Tiger (BTishger).Look at Older News
-- Questions and Requests --
Which Galaga emulator do you prefer? They all run perfectly on my PC.
Are there any bugs in my Stars of Excellence?
Centipede emulators sound really different. Which one is correct?
Last but not least... please do a Circus Charlie Emu ;-)
Some emulators don't support joystick: get the excellent JoyEmu from Simone Zanella.
When multiple emulators are present, the recommended ones are listed first.
Perfectly emulated games (with perfect colors, sound, joystick) get Eclipse's
Star of Excellence
and the winning emulator earns bold-italics typeface.
MAME leads with 16 Stars.
Some older and no longer updated emulators are omitted.
If the title is not a link, I don't have an image for it...If you have one, please
e-mail it to me and I'll put it up.